André Souza

19 de fev de 20192 min

5 Perguntas para Jacob Morgan, autor de "The Future of Work"

Meu papo hoje na série "5 Perguntas sobre o Futuro" é com o Jacob Morgan.

Para quem não conhece, o Jacob Morgan é um Futurista de destaque nos EUA. Tem sido citado em diversas publicações por lá como Forbes e Wall Street Journal.

Além disso, é autor do "The Future of Work" um dos livros que são referência no assunto - e que super recomendo a leitura.

Muitas das imagens do "The Future of Work" são postadas e respostadas no LinkedIn. Talvez você já tenha se deparado com uma dessas imagens em outros posts.

A seguir você pode conferir mais sobre o papo que tive com ele.

Vamos lá?


1) Jacob, how the new technologies will shape the way we will work in the next years? What is the Future of Work?

Technology is the central nervous system of the organization so all of these new technologies we are seeing means greater connectivity, improved efficiency, workplace flexibility, and a focus on more human skills.

In the coming years we can definitely expect technology to further augment the ways in which we work, removing more and more of the routine and mundane tasks while emphasizing things like empathy, creativity, self awareness, and the like.

This also means it will be important to be a super perpetual learner!

There is no such thing as a single future of work, there are many potential scenarios that might occur.

The future of work is something that we can shape and build and control and it might look very different depending on your role, the company you work for, or even where you are based. In general I am optimistic about the future will bring.

2) What organizations should be doing to prepare for the Future of Work?

Focus on human skills, encourage employees to be perpetual learners, invest heavily in education and training, create a culture of experimentation!

3) What is the role of Human Resources in this process?

HR is actually helping drive many of these initiatives.

I see HR as Human Transformation instead of as human resources so HR is going to need to help the organization transform by becoming the future of work subject matter experts and leaders.

4) What are the most critical skills you believe that people should develop? What is your advice for them to accelerate the development of these skills?

Self awareness, empathy, curiosity, communication, and collaboration skills will be at the top of the list.

Thankfully there are lots of resources online that people can access to learn these things.

I even have my own courses that teach these things and there plenty of others out there as well.

Don't rely on your school or company to teach you everything you need to know to be successful, take accountability and teach yourself the things you need to be successful at work and in life.

5) How did you become a Futurist?

I always studied the various methods and techniques that futurists use but I actually went back to school at the University of Houston where I received my professional certification in Foresight.


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